MUMBAI: India’s tea exports fell 4.46 per cent in April as a domestic crop shortfall, firm internal demand and the global economic downturn weighed, a Tea Board official said on Tuesday.

India exports CTC (crush-tear-curl) tea mainly to Egypt, Pakistan and the UK and the premium orthodox tea to Iraq, Iran and Russia.

Total exports during April were 11.36 million kg, compared with 11.89 million kg a year ago, the official, who did not wish to be identified, told Reuters.

“There is a crop shortage in India because of unfavourable weather. Along with this domestic demand continues to be good,” the official said.

Production during the period fell 22 per cent to 62.59 million kg, he said.

Less off take due to the financial crisis also hurt exports, he added.

Exports from south India fell 35 per cent to 4.44 million kg while that from north India were up 38 per cent to 6.92 million kg.

A revival in overseas orders from Iran, Iraq and Egypt is expected to support exports in the coming months, the official said.

A production shortfall in key producing countries such as Kenya, Sri Lanka is also seen pushing up exports in the coming months, he added.

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