KARACHI: The result of P.B Rs. 40,000/- has been announced in Quetta today: 1st Prize of Rs.75000000/- went to PB# 305472, 2nd Prize of Rs.25000000 /- won by PB# 676795, PB# 869657, and PB# 236725. Complete results of other prizes are AVAILABLE NOW ! Click Hereto Check Your Results...!

d, draw held at QUETTA:

You can check your prize bond draw result within a few hours of every draw onFinance.Kalpoint.Com or by simply clicking this link :"Check your Prize Bond Draw Result", on this blog. By clicking on the link you will land on a webpage that will ask you to select the prizebond denomination (which is Rs.7500 for this draw), and enter your email address. Its simple as that...!

Finance.Kalpoint.com, has long been enjoying the privilege of making the prize bond draws available for its users online within 4 hours of the draw. No other source can make available the online prize bond draw results that quickly....! It's the Brilliance of Finance.KalPoint.Com that makes it possible for you...!

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